Each week on the Calvary podcast, you’ll hear teaching from Lead Pastor Nick Pierce or one of the Calvary pastors. Get practical, relevant, biblical perspectives as we walk through books of the Bible. Visit us at www.ccloto.org or download the Calvary Chapel app to stay connected.

Latest Episodes

Walking In Love

How do we address sin in others life? Many times the way we address or point it out cause shame and guilt, but love covers all sin. If we choose to walk in love it wil...

Promises of God

Just as God made a covenant with Noah and the sign of the rainbow…we have a covenant with Jesus Christ by His blood. Have you entered into a covenant with Jesus, by Hi...

Leaving It All Behind

God told Noah when to go into the ark, but he did not tell him when he should come out again. The Lord told Noah when to go in, for it was necessary for him to know th...

The Ark and the Cross

The promise of the cross is that my old life is dead and gone, I have new life through the Spirit of Christ living in me, by grace through faith, because of His love a...

A Blameless Life

Just as God provided a way for Noah and his family to be saved in the ark, He also has provided a way for us to be saved through Jesus Christ. And we can walk just as ...

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