All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 119 in total

God's Call of Abram

In Genesis 12 we see God call Abram to crazy faith as he leaves everything familiar and safe to depend on God's promises. This is the same faith and call that God call...

The Obedience of Faith

As the old hymn reminds us: “Trust and obey, for there's no other way; To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” Rebellion carries with it consequences, but God’s ...

One Family Under God

The tenth chapter of Genesis… stands absolutely alone in ancient literature, without a remote parallel, even among the Greeks, where we find the closest approach to a ...

Walking In Love

How do we address sin in others life? Many times the way we address or point it out cause shame and guilt, but love covers all sin. If we choose to walk in love it wil...

Promises of God

Just as God made a covenant with Noah and the sign of the rainbow…we have a covenant with Jesus Christ by His blood. Have you entered into a covenant with Jesus, by Hi...

Leaving It All Behind

God told Noah when to go into the ark, but he did not tell him when he should come out again. The Lord told Noah when to go in, for it was necessary for him to know th...

The Ark and the Cross

The promise of the cross is that my old life is dead and gone, I have new life through the Spirit of Christ living in me, by grace through faith, because of His love a...

A Blameless Life

Just as God provided a way for Noah and his family to be saved in the ark, He also has provided a way for us to be saved through Jesus Christ. And we can walk just as ...

The Life of an Under-Rower

Paul modeled, and we should adopt, the attitude of an under-rower.

The Rest and Comfort of Jesus

Man is appointed mortal sorrowful, the blessed God shall come down, teaching, his death shall bring the despairing rest and comfort.

Room At The Table | "Building A Legacy" Campaign Launch

In Luke 14, the parable of the banquet: the heart of the Father is that the banquet would be FULL! We are merely reflecting the heart of the Father to our community

Walking in the Will of God

Pastor Cliff explains walking in the will of god by prayer, purity, and praise.

The Questions God Asks

God dealt with Cain in terms of loving confrontation instead of automatic affirmation. God made it clear that Cain would be accepted if he did well. Of course, God kne...

Between Two Trees

In order for Adam and Eve to be clothed, a sacrifice had to be made. An animal had to die. Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.

What He Has Done For Us

Satan’s first attack was leveled against the Word of God. If he could make Eve confused about what God said, or to doubt what God said, then his battle was partially won.

Easter 2024

If Jesus’ death and resurrection were just as He said...what does He say about you? Because of the death & resurrection of Jesus, and our faith in Jesus…nothing could ...

The D.R.A. of Marriage

The biblical concept of marriage is based on the dynamic of oneness yet distinction. A husband and wife can truly come together in a one-flesh relationship, yet they m...

The Covenant-Keeping Name of God

The name "Yahweh" first shows up in the biblical story just after the creation of man and woman. But it isn't until thousands of years later that God pronounces the si...

The Rest of Creation

"God, despite resting on the seventh day of creation, did not establish the Sabbath for His own rest. Unlike humans, God does not take a day off, as emphasized by Jesu...

The Image We Bear

As followers of Jesus, our salvation and the process sanctification is the restoration of the image we bear—not as Adam walking in the Garden...but walking with Jesus ...

The First Three Days

The Tale of Two Hearts

In the kickoff to Cal Conference, Pastor Gabe delves into heart transformation and the role of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, emphasizing the desire to be with God over tr...

The Heart of the Matter

Working through the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts, Pastor Nick warns against losing focus on reaching the lost, highlighting the sin of deceit and pride exempl...

The Love and Hate of it All

The Spiritual Terms of Battle

In this sermon, Pastor Nick Pierce discusses the story of David and Goliath, highlighting the importance of faith in facing challenges.

Sanctity of Life Sunday

What Matters Most

In this message, Pastor Nick stresses prioritizing Kingdom impact over conformity to worldly values. Teaching on Gideon's story from Judges, he emphasizes stepping out...

Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

Launching into a brand new series called "That Doesn't Make Sense" Pastor Nick discusses stories where God asks people to do extraordinary things. 

Rediscovering Christmas - Week 4

Rediscovering Christmas - Week 3

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