All Episodes

Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 117 in total

No Middle Ground | Revelation 1:1-8

As we kick off our first week in our study of Revelation, Pastor Nick walks us through the first 8 verses as we look at the introduction of the book and Jesus being th...

So, What Do We Do? | Jude 17-25

In the final message of our series in Jude, Pastor nick reminded and challenged us to build yourself up in your walk with the Lord! Many challenges will come and go bu...

More Rebellion | Jude 8-16

In our 2nd week of our study in the book of Jude, Pastor Nick continues the "family conversation" as we discuss the implication of a Christian life and the rebellion f...

The Rebellion Within | Jude 1:1-7

Easter Sunday

Palm Sunday

Baptism & Communion

In this message from March 26, 2023, Pastor Nick Pierce teaches on the sacraments of Baptism and Communion while we celebrate and partake in both.

A Good Testimony | 3 John 1:1-15

Here’s Our Reminder | 2 John 1:1-12

What Do We Know | 1 John 5:13-21

Through faith in Jesus, we know we have confidence to approach God in our lives and in prayer. We know we are in Christ and have eternal life; this knowledge from God ...

Born of God | 1 John 5:1-12

Love for God will show itself in obedience to God.

As He Is, So Are We | 1 John 4:7-21

If any other definition or expressin of love contradicts the nature of God, this is not true love; but a counterfeit "love." For the love of God will never contradict ...

He Who is in You | 1 John 4:1-6

Counterfeits are easily accepted if they are rarely examined!

Love Defined | 1 John 3:10-24

Do you know what real love looks like? In this sermon, we'll dive into 1 John 3:10-24 to explore how God defines love through Jesus' sacrifice and how it affects our o...

The Evidence of My Life | 1 John 2:28-3:10

The completed work of Christ, should bring about a complete change in our view of sin. So, now as a follower of Jesus: is my lifestyle marked by habitual sin or is my ...

Abide in Him | 1 John 2:18-28

In this week's message, Pastor Nick Pierce unpacks the remainder of chapter 2 as we look at the safety, protection and guidance that abiding in Jesus offers followers ...

What Does the World Offer? | 1 John 2:15-17

As Pastor Nick continues studying through the book of 1 John, we dive into chapter 2 verses 15-17 and look at what sin really has to offer us as believers.

Get Your Weight Up | 1 John 2:1-14

In the 2nd week of our new series, we continue to study through the book if 1st John, looking at chapter 2 and the weight we need to add to our spiritual lives.

What Did You See? | 1 John 1:1-10

As we kick off another new year, we begin a new study through the book of 1 John. In today's episode Pastor Nick dives into the first 10 verses of chapter 1.

Celebrating the Savior

On a Christmas Sunday morning, Pastor Nick take a look at the reason for celebrating Christmas as we look to the birth of our Savior and what it means for believes and...

A Focus on Advent

As we begin to wrap up the Advent season, Pastor Nick geeks out and takes a deep dive into the meaning of Advents and why it is important in our lives.

Gospel in Real Life


It's Going to be Crazy - Philemon


Who Has Gone Before Us?

Colossians 4:7-18

In Prayer

Our study through Colossians 4:2-6

The Gospel at Work

Colossians 3:22-4:1

Family God's Way

What does it mean to parent and be a family in a way that God intended for it? Listen to the continuation of our Colossians series as we look at the family unity God's...

What is God's Arrangement for Me?

As we dive into God's arrangement for marriage we look at how the world defines marriage and how God defines it.

Since Christ Is My All...

Colossians 3:12-17

Is Christ Your All?

Colossians 3:5-11

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