All Episodes

Displaying 91 - 120 of 129 in total

What Did You See? | 1 John 1:1-10

As we kick off another new year, we begin a new study through the book of 1 John. In today's episode Pastor Nick dives into the first 10 verses of chapter 1.

Celebrating the Savior

On a Christmas Sunday morning, Pastor Nick take a look at the reason for celebrating Christmas as we look to the birth of our Savior and what it means for believes and...

A Focus on Advent

As we begin to wrap up the Advent season, Pastor Nick geeks out and takes a deep dive into the meaning of Advents and why it is important in our lives.

Gospel in Real Life


It's Going to be Crazy - Philemon


Who Has Gone Before Us?

Colossians 4:7-18

In Prayer

Our study through Colossians 4:2-6

The Gospel at Work

Colossians 3:22-4:1

Family God's Way

What does it mean to parent and be a family in a way that God intended for it? Listen to the continuation of our Colossians series as we look at the family unity God's...

What is God's Arrangement for Me?

As we dive into God's arrangement for marriage we look at how the world defines marriage and how God defines it.

Since Christ Is My All...

Colossians 3:12-17

Is Christ Your All?

Colossians 3:5-11

Seek and Set

Colossians 3:1-4

Keep it Simple

Colossians 2:16-23

Sow Where You Are Planted

As we take a pause in our Colossians series, Pastor Nick talked about serving the Kingdom inside and outside the church walls.

Matthew 26:57-75 | The Talk and the Walk

There's no fruit in defending our own reputation or character. Fruitfulness of speech only comes when the Spirit of God through the people of God speaks about the Son ...

Matthew 26:17-30 | The Cup of Redemption

God’s plan of redemption was foreshadowed for hundreds of years. This cup of redemption is the blood of Jesus—a new covenant—poured out for many for the forgiveness of...

Matthew 24:45-25:13 | Do You Have Oil?

Jesus continues the conversation in describing what a faithful and wise servant looks like. We are called to be obedient, wise, and productive servants of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 24:29-44 | The End of Tribulation

Jesus is our defender! In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus reveals how He alone will be the defender to a remnant of Israel in the end of the Tribulation. 

Matthew 24:15-35 | The End of the Story

Continuing in Matthew 24, Jesus further describes events and key figures of the Tribulation. This event is a paradox; it's a terror to those who reject Jesus Christ an...

Matthew 24:1-14 | See That No One Leads You Astray

In Matthew 24, as Jesus is sitting on the very mountain in which He will ascend to heaven from, He describes events that will surround His second coming to answer the ...

Matthew 23:23-39 | Woes or Repentance?

As we finished walking through Matthew 23, we were reminded that God is never fooled by what we show on the outside. God looks at the heart! He sees what we actually a...

Matthew 23:1-22 |

Pastor Sean kicks off a new series looking at the WOES in the beginning of Matthew 23 in the final teaching of Jesus. 

Matthew 22:34-46 | The Greatest Commandment

Jesus answers the question of what it means to approach & worship and live & walk before Him: love is the basis for obedience!

Matthew 22:15-33 | What's In Question?

We as followers of Jesus live life with a dual citizenship. It matters how we live in respect to human governing authorities; but also it cannot supercede our response...

Matthew 21:23-46 | Responding to Authority

Jesus doesn't want vocal agreement, but life obedience. Some of the greatest sins that keep us from a transformed, fruitful life for Jesus are pride and self-righteous...

Matthew 21:12-22 | Our Intended Purpose

When we miss the purpose Jesus has for us, we are living in denial; where our worldview doesn't match the reality around us, and within us!

Matthew 21:1-11 | Until Messiah

Jesus is truth and defines what is true. He is the driving force behind our every emotion, decision, and action. He impacts our response to every area of your life. Wh...

Matthew 20:17-34 | Unexpected Greatness

Greatness and servanthood go hand-in-hand in kingdom living. As we follow Jesus with our lives, serve those whom He served; it brings about the work of God in our own ...

Matthew 20:1-16 | Unexpected Grace

In this message, Pastor Nick walks us through how God deals with us based on who He is, not on who we are. We cannot allow false expectations on what we think we deser...

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